How to satisfy your travel bug during isolation

With international travel being off the table for at least another year, how can we get that sweet feeling of experiencing the world from the confines of our homes? Virtual tourism just might be the answer.

Many famous landmarks and tourist attractions are now offering a virtual tour option on their website which offer 360° views of many iconic international attractions. Many of these virtual tours also have an audio guide as well to further immerse you in the experience.

The virtual tour of Machu Picchu is one of the most comprehensive available, with an audio tour describing the history and restoration efforts of the iconic Peruvian site accompanying many 360° interactive pictures at various locations around Machu Picchu. Tour it for yourself here.

Screen grab from the Machu Picchu virtual tour

Google also offers virtual tours of famous sites around the world primarily using their mapping services, as well other partnered sites such as YouTube to put together an experience that is only beaten by visiting the locations in person. Google also has virtual tours of museums and famous buildings around the world. These tours can be found here.

If clicking the street view arrows around sites doesn’t quite cut it for you, Youtube also has many videos that can transport you to anywhere around the world. Some of the videos even have a 360° function letting you control what you see.


For those digital travellers seeking a more interactive and immersive tour, video games could be perfect escape. Many games such as Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto have highly detailed fictional worlds full of different sites to explore and characters to meet. Alternatively games such as Watchdogs 2 and Assassins Creed offer condensed recreations of real world locations to tour.
