Blog: Why in 2020 are we still silencing sexual assault victims?

The Victorian Government has finally introduced a review of laws that were announced in February which prevents sexual assault survivors from speaking publicly about their experience. The changes to the state’s Judicial Proceedings Reports Act made it an offence for sexual assault survivors to publish their stories under their real identities in cases where proceedings were pending or a conviction had been recorded.

These laws carry harsh fines and even potential gaol time if broken, which threatens victims to remain silenced. In rebuttal, Journalist and sexual assault survivor Nina Funnell launched a campaign titled, #LetUsSpeak. The hashtag took to the internet and caught the attention of the Victorian Government who was persuaded to review the law.

The hashtag not only caught the attention of the Victorian Government but that of the Australian community, from all states leaving them to question why and how these laws were considered? We are living in the future with new and emerging technologies becoming readily available to us everyday however, but we continue to live in the past as a society.

How can we silence these women when the story of their assault is theirs to share? No victim should be criminalised for the trauma they have experienced and the Victorian Government should have realised this long before passing these incriminating laws.
