Finding a way through the coronavirus lockdowns

Jessica Kuntze

During this uncertain and confusing time, it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically, but doing this is very different from what it used to be.

Health professionals are speaking with their patients over the phone and via online video conferencing services to keep with social distancing rules and help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Friends and family had to catch-up over the phone or video chat during the thick of lockdown, with Victorians having to start doing that again now that they have a second wave of coronavirus making its way through the state.

A young woman reads a book in her bedroom
Take care of your mental health during coronavirus. Source: beyondblue


There have been plenty of challenges that many have had to face during the pandemic, especially relating to their health and wellbeing.

When lockdown began, and I was sent home to study via distance, I struggled with my health and wellbeing, as I was no longer around other people and nowhere near my gym I wasn’t motivated to take care of myself while studying, I only studied.

CSU Student

It has been difficult for many to exercise, with no sport, gyms being closed and outdoor equipment unable to be used until recently due to government restrictions.

Those living in rural or remote areas may have found it difficult to contact loved ones or their GP via online video chat services during lockdown as internet services aren’t the same out there as in towns and cities.

Another major challenge for some was a loss of work, making it difficult for many to pay rent and giving some a lot of time at home to stress about the pandemic and the tightening of restrictions.

Getting Through

For those of us still finding our way through a coronavirus ridden country, there are challenges we have yet to face including a second wave, which is starting to rear its head at us.

Some of us have had a difficult time taking care of our health and wellbeing during these uncertain and confusing times and for those who have there are a lot of support services around that can help us do that.

These include websites created by government and not-for-profit organisations to assist Australians to keep a healthy body and mind, including beyondblue and

One of the best places to go for help is your friends and family, they know you better than others and can help you find ways to keep your health and wellbeing in a good place.