Tulip Mania: Why is the tulip so timeless?

Sally Rummery

Potted tulips will flower earlier than their outside counterparts. Remember to dig up and refrigerate bulbs kept in warmer soils. (Photo by Sally Rummery)

Tulips are possibly the most well known and loved flowering bulb. In Europe in the 17th century, the flowers were so popular that the market for the bulbs soared so much that it created the world’s first ever economic bubble when it crashed.

A single bulb at the time could cost the equivalent of a mansion on the Amsterdam Canal, or seven and a half thousand Australian dollars before inflation in 2020.

“They were just incredibly popular, whether it was the colour, or the perfume, or just how easy they were to grow. They’re still incredibly popular”

– Andrew Church, Churches Garden Centre
The past, present and future of the tulip