Keeping quiet and lack of research. Endometriosis is satans version of periods

More than 10 per cent of women suffer from endometriosis. A disorder which can cause the tissue that forms the lining of your uterus to grow outside of your uterine cavity. In simple words, it is a very server form of period pain, that can leave women bed ridden for months.

The lack of research within this area causes fright for many women due to the constant need to go to several doctors, doing your own research or being told “its all in your head.”

Samantha who is currently studying a diploma in Makeup, in Sydney, has been dealing with endometriosis since she was 15, which threatened her schooling life.

Like many females, it can have an impact on everyday life and completing any small task. It puts many at risk of not finishing school or getting a job due to how severe the disorder is.